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Robotics Competition Unveiled
First Annual Robotics STEAMWORKS Competition Kickoff Event Hosted by CORI, OSU & PAST Last Saturday, The Center of Robotics Innovation...
Students Solving Real-World Problems
What happens when 22 middle school student spend a week at PAST designing, building and programing their own robot? You’d be amazed! Our...

LEGO and robots and kids…oh, my!
Columbus, Ohio – 2016 Worthington-Kilbourne High School in Columbus will host the Ohio FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) State...

2016 MATE ROV Buckeye Regional Was Amazing!
On Saturday, April 30th, teams from Ohio and Michigan put their underwater robots to the test at the first ever MATE ROV Buckeye...

Metrobots Heading To National Championship
For the second year in a row, the Metrobots robotics team is heading to St. Louis to compete in the 2016 FIRST National Championship. ...

Underwater Robotics Workshop
Whether you are part of a robotics team or just interested in learning more about underwater ROVs (remotely operated vehicles), come and...

CORI & Metrobots Sponsor Robotics Scrimmage
Eight Ohio high school robotics teams had a chance to test their robots and their skills in a scrimmage hosted at PAST Innovation Lab on...
National Mentoring Month
Careers have developed, education furthered and lives improved because we had a mentor. Someone who cared and listened, who inspired and...
Help Support The Metrobots
The Metrobots, the robotics team from Metro Early College High School, Col, OH, are very excited to begin building their robot for...
2015 ROV Design Challenge Ranger Class A Big Success
Twenty-one teams of high school students flew their underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in the deepwater tank at COSI in...

2015 CORI Invitational A Huge Success!
The 6th Annual CORI Invitational, hosted by Central Ohio Robotics Initiative (CORI) and sponsored by Honda R&D, gave teams a chance to...

Ultimate ROV Challenge Was Amazing!
Advanced Course Team Members & Judges On May 7, 2015 PAST Innovation Lab along with partners COSI, BOEM and C&C Technologies hosted the...

National Robotics Week
Their efforts go beyond designing, building and competing your team’s robots. Team members, parents and teachers are working with FIRST...

Metrobots Are Going to World Championship
FRC Team 3324 The Metrobots has qualified for the FIRST Championship in St. Louis on April 22 – 25. This is their first year attending...
ROVs in Action!
On May 7, 2015, high school and college teams will compete in our Advanced ROV Design Challenge, again held at COSI. This promises to be...
Students Work on Underwater Remote Operated Vehicle
by Jennifer Noblit, ThisWeek News Marine archaeologist Rob Church has been to Venezuela, the coast of Africa and Brazil for his work. His...
PAST at the Ohio State Fair
The Ohio State Fair (Columbus, OH) is filled with fun, food and fascinating events. We have to admit that the butter cow and calf are...
CORI Invitational Is A Huge Success!
Congratulations to all 29 teams who competed in the 2014 CORI Invitational on June 21. Lots of action, enthusiasm, and teamwork was on...
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