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161. Taking Education Outdoors to Connect with Nature with Matthew Schlein
When we spoke to members of The Willowell Foundation, Jen Olson & Tasha Ball, about the Wren’s Nest, we realized there’s so much more to...

156. Connecting Kids to Their Community & Environment with Jen Olson & Tasha Ball
Education starts from the moment we take our first breath, but we often only give it our full attention as kids get closer to their...

132. Take It Outside: Getting Students Invested In & Inspired By Nature with Pete Barnes
In this episode of Learning Unboxed, we take another field trip, this time, to the New Albany Intermediate School. Our guide is Pete...

103. The Mission of Outdoor Education with Carmen DeLeon & Leslie Dorsey
Outdoor science education is an essential part of any child’s education. It offers them a real, tangible reference point for their future...
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