Nikki Stancampiano
Workforce Development Coordinator
(Workforce Warrior)

Nikki joined PAST in 2021, eager to unite with an innovative community of educators committed to curating enriching opportunities for our youth. She is also a part-time teacher at Metro Early College High School, teaching Engineering and Math.
While working as a high school Mathematics and Engineering Teacher in South Carolina, she discovered her passion for helping students unlock their potential, especially students from backgrounds who are underrepresented in STEM fields.
She dedicated much of her time as the Coach of the high school’s FIRST Robotics team and initiated the “STEMinists Program,” introducing hundreds of middle school girls throughout the community to STEM pathways.
Nikki is enthusiastic about cultural exchange and initiating sustainable change. While serving with the Peace Corps in Namibia Nikki taught Mathematics and English, and helped establish a school library as well established a “Gender Awareness in Namibia” committee.
As the Workforce Development Coordinator at PAST, she hopes to leverage her unique experiences to continue confronting educational and workplace inequity by equipping our nation’s youth with the skills and opportunities to pursue a career of their dreams.