Connect With Us
We seek like-minded individuals and companies to join us in our mission “…to invite the world to design, construct, and engage in experiences that link learning to life.” We know that developing meaningful partnerships with leaders in business, industry and the arts as well as community service organizations can positively impact education in all schools.
We know that developing meaningful partnerships with leaders in business, industry and the arts as well as community service organizations can positively impact education in all schools. Sometimes these partnerships are alliances among groups; other times they offer the opportunity to share resources. There is no one template, no predetermined definition of the relationship. Our only goal is to connect with partners who believe the way in which we educate our children can be transformed, and that together we can help students prepare for 21st Century careers.
Invest and Impact
There are many ways to connect and invest with PAST–financially, in-kind donations, sweat equity, and any other idea you may have. We seek like-minded individuals and companies to join us in our mission “…to invite the world to design, construct, and engage in experiences that link learning to life.”
If you are interested in connecting with PAST, email us!