Dr. Keeanna Warren, CEO of Purdue Polytechnic High School, says her school is a school without walls. She means that metaphorically of course, but it did physically come to fruition through a student project at one point. Dr. Keeanna Warren joins us on the show today to explain.
Purdue Polytechnic High School is a school without walls in the sense that it has strong relationships with industry partners. Industry partners are always welcomed in the school and students are always going out to industry partner sites. But it’s also a school without walls –or at least a few less walls– because a few years ago students successfully advocated tearing down some of the classroom walls that were hindering learning.
That’s the essence of Purdue Polytechnic High School. They empower their students to engage in real world problems and have their voices heard. Tune in to hear all the details from Dr. Keeanna Warren.
To learn more, visit: pastfoundation.org
We unbox:
What’s needed for successful private-public partnerships
How Purdue Polytechnic High School achieves diversity by design
How Dr. Keeanna Warren seeks to elevate the role of teachers
Learn more at pphs.purdue.edu
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