Our guest today is Krissy Hostetler, Education Team Specialist at the National Inventors
Hall of Fame (NIHF) in Akron, Ohio, which hosts Camp Invention in addition to a number of other fantastic programs for children of all ages. Krissy is a problem-solving powerhouse, with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Urban and Regional Planning.
Krissy also included a fantastic tidbit in her bio that we wanted to share with you, to help you get a better idea of just how awesome she is: “There are days where I am under a desk in the dark to observe LED brightness and other days where I’m building hydraulic cranes using paper cups, duct tape, and aquarium tubing.” You just have to love a girl who can make anything happen with duct tape and paper cups.
We unbox:
The origins of the National Inventors Hall of Fame
The NIHF’s partnership with the U.S. patent office
Creating Camp Invention
Why Camp Invention is intentionally low-tech
What formal educators can learn from Camp Invention’s approach — and what we really, really hope they do adapt to their classrooms
The difference between telling a kid something and learning alongside them
Education in the midst of crisis
How Camp Invention adapted to COVID-19 with Camp Invention Connect
Delivering a hands-on program remotely
What educators have learned from this experience of adapting to remote education options
Learn more at www.invent.org
Twitter: twitter.com/InventorsHOF
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nihf