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93 | The Power of Data to Transform our Lives with Jasmine de Gaia

Jasmine de Gaia, Executive Director of Transformation at JPMorgan Chase & Co., explains how the advancement of digital innovation in low-tech and high-tech industries is transforming the cultural fabric of our lives.

If we adopt Jasmine’s notion that ‘every company has become a tech company,’ it becomes of crucial importance that educators are preparing children for future tech-focused careers that are not the norm. We discuss the importance of agile-based learning over gadget dependency and how this upgraded mindset is transforming the consumer experience of today.

We unbox:

  1. Preparing students for innovative careers in the digital sphere. 

  2. How the pandemic has revolutionized low-tech processes. 

  3. How innovation builds relationships between consumers and businesses

  4. Future innovations to get excited about. 


  1. Digital Innovation at JP Morgan:

  2. Read the Transcript


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