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Exploring the Gulf of Mexico with Dr. Sheli: Day Three, Running from the Storm

It is cold today here in the Gulf. At Houma, LA which is not far up the road it is currently 49° F/9.7° C. Dr. Lori thinks its balmy, but then she lives in Regina, Saskatchewan (for those of you who want to look up that town, it is in drivable distance to Santa Claus’ house). I’m told reindeer summer in Regina.

While we are at dock waiting for the weather to clear here is some more information to digest and here is the link to George Mason University’s website. Dr. Leila Hamden, the Chief Scientist, on the cruise is from GMU.

On the first dive we we ran up against a challenge. I’ve created a padlet so you can easily post your suggestions on how to solve the problem  Never seen a padlet? Time to join the revolution – let me know what you think about our fish trouble.

How about a Social Studies lesson today?

We don’t often hear about what happened in World War II in the Gulf of Mexico but there were battles and defense of the coastline and even Internment Camps in Florida because of naval warfare in the Gulf.  Here are the ships we will visit in the next two weeks, which ones were lost in WWII and why? — Halo, Anona, U166, Viosca Knolls, Mica, and Ewing Banks

PAST STEM Coordinator, Brian Coffey chimes in:  

“Wait a minute…I thought WWII battles occurred only in two theaters – the European and Pacific fronts??? The Gulf of Mexico is near where? Mexico, right!?! Why don’t my textbooks have this history and when was the discovery made known? “

Project Co-PI, Dan Warren of C&C Technologies can help Brian out:  “World War II battles were not limited to just two theatres of operations or combat.  The European and Pacific are just two of many that also include the North Atlantic , Gulf of Mexico, Africa, and the China-Burma-India theaters of combat.”

And finally, Dr. Sheli steps in to answer the debate:  “For the history buffs, newer histories of the shipwrecks are posted on the George Mason Univ website   Here is a map of the general proximities of the shipwrecks to the Deepwater Horizon site, known as the Macondo Well.  You can see the Halo represents a baseline for an area not thought to be affected by the spill.”   

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