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Meet Terry Merriman, Owner – Tribology Associates

What is tribology? It is the science of friction wear and lubrication. Terry is one of only a handful of engineers specializing in tribology. With 35 years of engineering experience, he recently began the next chapter of his career – joining a social enterprise group called Applied Experience. Located at PAST Innovation Lab’s R&D Educational facility, Tribology along with several other collaborative partners create a local network committed to building a diverse, collaborative environment across industry and education. 

Terry really enjoys working with today’s high school students. For three years, he has worked as an FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) mentor teaching standard project management practices including CAD and documentation. In addition, Terry mentors students through Tribology Associates. “It is absolutely amazing what students can do, given proper guidance and support. Right now, I have an intern, Maddie working with me on a top secret project. This company with huge market share, came to me with a friction problem that they have not been able to solve for 10 years. I working with Maddie guiding her and teaching her how to solve their problem. Talk about hands-on learning!”

For more information about Tribology Associates, read Terry’s bio below and visit their website at: 

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