Professional Learning Experiences
PAST focuses on a replicable process of building holistic, educational experiences for professionals in our community and beyond. Whether one needs on-site support, online assistance, or immersive experiences PAST will create customized offerings to meet those professional needs.
Educating Our Future While Engaging Your Vision
The PAST team approaches all learning from a Problem-Based Learning perspective using STEM, the principles of design, and systems thinking to build programs that address real world issues and engage all participants in a learning partnership.
PAST focuses on a replicable process of building holistic, educational experiences for professionals in our community and beyond. Whether one needs on-site support, online assistance, or immersive experiences PAST will create customized offerings to meet those professional needs. The PAST team offers a variety of professional development and learning opportunities for administrators, educators, industry experts, and community partners to build sustainable practices and programs tailored to the needs of a school, district, organization, or business.
Tools & Information
Educator Ideas
Transforming Learning

Our Services
Mentorship Development
PAST’s mentorship training program can be tailored to fit one’s needs. Participate in this online mentorship training course that focuses on fostering student’s curiosity and STEM skills, establishing and maintaining the mentor/mentee relationship, and identifying mentor strengths. Taking theory to practice, this online training course helps gain certification as a mentor with the PAST Foundation.
STEMthusiasts: A Community of Practice
The Past Foundation, ESCCO, the Central Ohio Hub of the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN), and our partners want to make sure to nurture and feed STEM instructor’s needs for the continuation of design thinking and STEM education formal and informal). Join STEMthusiasts in a community of practice forum where participants look at best practices, share designs for engaged inquiry, and augment the ability to promote creative problem-solving using design thinking practices.
Immersive Professional Development
Immersive professional development allows for an opportunity to engage in content-specific experiences alongside students and content experts in a low risk environment. These sessions empower participants to design innovative approaches for coaching, teaching and learning that leverage their new understandings. Any content area can, and are encouraged to participate, in PAST’s Immersive PDs, that include synchronous (face to face) and asynchronous components. Participants engage in an online course which includes video podcasts and virtual meetings, followed by an intensive hands-on experience during an on-site program. Immersive PD topics change regularly. Current topics include robotics, Minecraft, Art and STEM, and agricultural engineering but these too can be tailored to fit one’s needs.
Online Courses
PAST’s Online Courses are an excellent entry point to engage in transformative learning opportunities. We offer the opportunity to develop shared language and to explore the theory, design and practice behind innovative implantation. Courses are tailored to fit specific needs.
On-site Professional Development
PAST understands the importance of aligning community aspirations as educational strategies and delivery systems are built that work for students, schools, staff, and individuals! PAST’s systems approach is culturally focused, allowing for scaffolded opportunities that help develop effective strategies.