A Community of Practice For Teachers

The Past Foundation, ESCCO, the Central Ohio Hub of the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN), and our partners want to make sure that we nurture and feed STEM instructor’s needs for the continuation of design thinking, even in a remote environment.
Join us in a community of practice forum where we look at best practices, share designs for engaged inquiry in a remote setting, and augment your ability to promote creative problem solving using design thinking practices.
For each session, we will bring you the best STEM thought leaders, design ideas, interactive dialogue with other STEM instructors, and free tools to support you in making instructional decisions that you can deliver in your classroom/school. If you are an experienced STEMer, your experiences are exactly what we need! If you are an inquiring learner in STEM, we have seasoned thinking partners and do we have ideas for you!
This community of practice forum takes place every first and third Thursday of the month from 3:30PM-4:30PM EST.
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